
Employee Spotlight: Jason Watts

Employee Spotlight > Employee Spotlight: Jason Watts

Have you ever met someone who is really hilarious but half the time you don’t actually know what they’re talking about because they’re a genius and they use huge words that are way beyond normal brain functions?

(And I’m not talking like just a little above average smart. It’s not like I’m a bumbling idiot who’s barely scraping by in life. Give me some credit. I’m talking way smarter than the average bear.)

That’s how Jason Watts is here at LockNet and that’s who I’m focusing on in this edition of LockNet’s Employee Spotlight!

He works in IT Support and I joke around with him on a regular basis, but more often than not I laugh and then go, “Wait. What was that?” And then he explains the joke which probably no longer makes it funny to him but continues to amuse me anyways.

Jason’s been with LockNet for almost five years. He started in our Service Department, then moved to Electromechanical Solutions Department, and recently moved over to IT Support. So, now we all bug him way more than we ever got to before. You’re welcome, Jason.

But for now, let’s focus on him. Without further adieu, here’s a little look into the mind of LockNet’s Jason Watts.

LockNet Employee Spotlight: Jason Watts

Employee Spotlight-Recovered


What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

Worst Movie

What’s your virtual vice?

Virtual Vice

What is your least favorite food?

Worst Food

If you could have a beer with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

beer with one person

How are you most likely to be found spending your spare time?

spare time


Now, how about those for some answers? (The Haribo Sugar Free Gummi Bears answer is my favorite. If you don’t get the reference, you have to read the reviews on Amazon. There might be some harsh language, I can’t remember, so I don’t want to link to it.) Other than that, do you have some questions for Jason? Do you also hate Haribo Sugar Free Gummi Bears? Let us know in the comments!

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