
It’s All in the Details: Welded Frames, Consistent Leversets, and Hardware Finishes

LockBytes > It’s All in the Details: Welded Frames, Consistent Leversets, and Hardware Finishes

welded framesI’m not a details person.

I feel like I’m being judged when I put that out on paper (computer screen?) but we’re all in the trust tree here, right?

Because I know this about myself, I surround myself with very detail-oriented people and I write everything down in a paper planner because, really, it’s all in the details.

This is especially true in our industry. Today I’m going to go over some of the smaller things you can do such as using welded frames, consistent leversets, and your choice in hardware finishes that pull your overall look together for a tighter, cleaner outcome.

Welded Frames

Most people don’t go into a new project and think, “These door frames are really going to make the difference.” Truthfully, they probably won’t be THE difference, but they’ll be a nice touch.

When it comes to frames, you have two choices – welded frames or knock-down frames. You can get knock-down frames,which come in three pieces. These are put together on site, but are much easier to ship and easier to install. The downside is they have seams that show once you have them up and ready.

With welded frames, you have truly seamless finish. This gives a cleaner look and, if you use them throughout the facility, it’ll provide  a nice, smooth finish. It is important to note that welded frames are harder to install and adjust after being installed, but as long as that’s known beforehand, you should be good to go.

Consistent Leversets

Obviously, you aren’t going to go out and get a different leverset for each and every door you have in your facility. That wouldn’t be cost efficient and it would look terrible. But, I can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen customers assume their customers don’t pay attention to the small things.

Consistent leversets throughout your facility make a world of difference and whether or not anyone comments on them, your customers notice them.

Hardware Finishes

This is one that I may have overlooked if I didn’t work in the industry. You have so many options for finishes and a lot of them can look very similar. You may think, “Well, this will work,” and move on with your day only to find out when you get the piece of hardware that it’s a shade or two darker than what you originally expected.

This can throw off the look you’re going for within your building and create a subconscious disconnect. That’s something you don’t want to happen.

So, if you’re a big picture person like me, you may be going through this process and not seeing the little things. You  may see what your facility is going to look like at the end, and that’s great! It’s wonderful to have the big picture in mind. Just remember to step back and look at the little things like welded frames, hardware finishes and consistent leversets, too. You never know what might catch your eye that could really be a defining look in your end result.

Of course, if you need help or advice on anything during the process you can always contact us here at LockNet. We’d love to help you out!

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