Happy Halloween from LockNet!
There are a select group of employees who genuinely look forward to Halloween every year. Not only because of the events after punching out at 5:00, but also the annual festivities we partake in here at LockNet. Today hosted our annual Halloween Chili Cook-Off and Costume Contest, and as you can see below, we have some creative (and scary) employees! It’s become a tradition everyone looks forward to – bets are made on who will win the costume contest, excitements builds for Thomas’ chili, and of course escaping the confines of a desk for an hour or so.
The LockNet family is tight knit, and we look forward to gathering together to laugh over costumes and enjoy a good meal. Copious amounts of food (and sugar) were consumed, creating an enjoyable afternoon buzz around the office.
Congrats to the LockNet contest and door prize winners!
Chili Cook-Off: Thomas Howard
Costume Contest: Lena Thornton
Door Prize: Pam Peel