It’s days like today, desperate for writing inspiration and daydreaming of the weekend, that I’m thankful for all the random web browsing I do. When I’m reading, scrolling, or browsing and find something industry related or come across an innovative piece of lock hardware I save it to Pocket, in hopes of something with it later. When writer’s block sets in, I go to my Pocket and scroll through the pages upon pages of random stuff I’ve saved. It’s possibly the most eclectic mix of web pages among those stored on Pocket – running the gamut from Disney Junior, to celebrity gossip sites, to life safety code. What can I say, I’m dynamic. Today, I realized just how many amazing door and lock hardware pictures and product reviews I’ve been hoarding! I decided it’s time to share the lock hardware wealth that I’ve stumbled upon while
browsing some web obsession of mine doing market research. Most of these locks are only compliant for residential purposes and not suited for commercial settings, but who is more particular about the doors and hardware on their homes than industry professionals?! Be prepared this stuff is impressive, you might be broke by the end of this post!
Innovative Lock Hardware
- “Off” Leverset
- Never forget to turn off the lights, gas, or to unplug electronics again. When you depress the lever, everything turns off!
- Bio-Metric Lock
- This uses your finger prints to gain access.
- “Thief-Proof” Maze Chain
- Pictured above, you’ll be hard pressed to unlock this door quickly!
- The NumLock Handle
- This lever has a sleek combination dial on the handle.
- Disappearing Doorknob
- When this door is locked, the door knob disappears.
- Glow in the Dark Knob
- Enough said with this one. No more fumbling for the door knob in the dark!