
Locks and Links: The Key System Version

LockBytes > Locks and Links: The Key System Version

security access controlI love a good study guide.

I like getting a general idea of what I’m about to be tested on.

I just like having a big summary of the knowledge wrapped up for me in a simple little sheet or packet.

This is all probably why I love Locks and Links so much. It’s like a big ol’ study guide!

We get that the overall scope of knowledge for the door and hardware industry is really overwhelming. These posts help you stay up-to-date with educational information and we put it all together for you so you don’t have to search for it yourself!

Recently, we’ve been talking about key systems quite a bit around here and with good reason. Key systems are, by far, one of our most popular topics. Recently some of our sales team attended a trade show and they were hit with questions about key systems over and over.

I’m taking that as a sign.

So, without further ado, here’s your most recent Locks and Links!

Key Systems on a Budget

Key systems are a) never something you’re excited to purchase and b) rarely are they not expensive. Both of those reasons can lead up to a whole lot of procrastination.

We’ve seen so many people put off purchasing a key system simply because they think it’s going to equate to one giant hassle that’s going to cost them a lot of money. Truthfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, this article delves into how to install a key system on a budget. What more could you ask for?!

Proprietary Key Systems 

Now, if you’ve ever played that game where you imagine yourself with unlimited money and the choice of the best key systems in the world, you may have gone with a proprietary key system.

(What? Only door and hardware geeks imagine spending their lotto winnings on security enhancements??)

These systems easily provide the most amount of security and the least amount of hassle if your keys ever get lost or stolen by employees. While the price tag at the beginning might be a little tough to swallow, it’s worth it in the long run. Of course, if you win the lottery, you won’t need to worry about that.

Key Systems: Rekey Policies & Procedures – Three Elements to Consider

A lot of times people think that once they get the key system installed, they’re good to go. And it can be that easy, if you set it up right from the get-go.

You need to brush up on your rekey policies and procedures first, though. Luckily, this post will help you do just that! This post goes into the details of what situation constitutes a rekey, what to do when keys are stolen and how to deal with terminated employees.

Not everything is considered an emergency and once you learn the difference, you’ll save yourself quite the chunk of change in the long run.

If you’re considering a key system, this edition of Locks and Links is perfect for you. However, if you have a question that we haven’t answered in these posts, you can always either give us a call or take a look at our Key System 101. One way or another, we’ll definitely be able to help you out!


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