
Door Rust Prevention Tips

LockBytes > Door Rust Prevention Tips

Unless you live in the desert, you probably curse door rust like the rest of us.

Not only is it unsightly, but if it weasels its way onto something, it can cause real damage.

This is especially true when you’re talking about exterior doors, which are forced to deal with the elements day in and day out. In some areas that means coming in contact with a lot more moisture (I’m looking at you, Florida.) If your door isn’t properly prepped, you may be in for some costly repairs.

The good news is, these can be prevented or, at the very least, delayed.

Preventing Door Rust

There are a few things you can do to prevent rust from building up on your exterior doors that don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg.



A good coat of paint goes a long way when it comes to the prevention of rust. Paint helps seal any metal that may be exposed and keep moisture out for a longer period of time. This will not fully protect your door from rust, as the paint is bound to eventually chip away, but you would be surprised at the effectiveness of this one simple step.

Plus, who doesn’t like a painted door? Giving your door a fresh coat of paint not only serves as a protector against rust, but can really give your facility an updated feel.


Avoid Kick Plates, Large Stickers, Push Plates

Anything you attach to your door is going to run the risk of trapping moisture. When that happens, the water begins to eat away at the metal, which leads to door rust. The worst part is you most likely won’t be able to see the rust right away, which can lead to much larger spots.

If you can avoid attaching anything to your exterior door, such as kick plates or large stickers, it’s probably best.

The longer rust has time to corrode away the metal the more damage that is done and the more money you’ll have to spend to repair it.


Drip Caps

Drip caps are so helpful when it comes to preventing door rust. I’m always shocked by the people who aren’t aware they exist. A drip cap prevents water from getting on top of the door and creating rust because they catch the water before it has a chance to collect on top of the door. It also helps keep water from collecting in the door frame head if the seal between the head and the wall is compromised.

These are other places rust can sneak into without you being aware of it for some time. Usually by the time you realize there’s some rust on your door, it’s spread so much it’s already a bigger problem.


Galvanneal Steel

Galvanneal steel is a really great option in the line of door rust prevention. This particular metal is rust-proof and worth the money if you’re interested in a new door. A galvanneal steel door can be used in replace of most exterior doors, and if you’re in the process of building a new facility, it’s an option as well.

If rust is an issue for you at your facility, contact us. We have several employees on hand who would love to be able to help you out.

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